04 January 2010

The Parable of the Cinnabon

Years ago, when Teresa and I were first married, I found a Cinnabon copy recipe on the internet. It's been our tradition that I make a batch for Thanksgiving and Christmas mornings. We spend the rest of the year pining for the buttery, sugary goodness.

When Elliott was still at home, I would be annoyed that he always wanted the coveted middle cinnamon rolls. As the rolls are arranged three by four in the pan you would only have two of the middle rolls. At the time I thought it a bit pretentious for a teenager to think himself entitled to the middle roll. I mean, who the hell did he think he was? So I started placing the smallest rolls in this place and the largest ones at the corners. I also made sure the outside rolls got the most icing and the corner rolls the most of all.

But not this year.

As I cut the rolls to length this Christmas, I ended up having an especially fat and plump one. I found myself placing the big roll in one of the middle spots and wishing Elliott could have it. He's earned it.

Elliott has gone out into the world and become a man. He will always have a middle roll waiting for him in my home.


Teresa said...

Who knew talking about Cinnabons would make me cry? Okay, maybe it's talking about Elliott, or you expressing your love for Elliott in this way. Thank you. I needed this today.

Lindsey said...

Matt- that was the most precious thing I have read in a long time. Especially the part where you said "Who the hell did he think he was?!" My favorite. ;) Seriously- who knew you were such a softy?

Lindsey said...

PS- I'm kinda mad that I didn't know about your blog. I am thoroughly enjoying it!