03 March 2010

Best Day Ever

A couple of weeks ago we were mulling over our lunch options when Teresa had the brilliant idea to eat at Jem 100. Jem 100 is a little ice cream parlor in Newberg, Oregon, that also sells cheeseburgers, chili dogs and the like. The bacon cheeseburger is absolutely amazing. Really.

So we went to Newberg. We feasted on our cheeseburgers and then set out on the town in search of antique stores. While we didn't find much in the way of antiques we did find a pet store with wandering tortoises and a cool toy store.

It was while we were trekking between the pet store and the toy store that Jenna declared the day to be the best ever. "Are we going to have more fun, Daddy?" Jenna asked me.

Funny how shopping in downtown Newberg could mean so much, but then, why not? We were together as a family. We got to ride in Daddy's car (always exciting for the kids). We got to eat some fun food. We saw huge wandering tortoises. Jenna and I made a racket at the toy store with some plastic tubes you whirl around.

What's not to like.

1 comment:

Teresa said...

I agree with Jenna. It was the best day ever. It's nice when their idea of the "best day ever" and our idea of a "best day ever" is the same.

I love you!