26 November 2010

Eat My Math Skills

According to a new Chevrolet commercial, they will plant trees and perform other green activities on your behalf should you be so inclined as to purchase a Chevy. The carbon dioxide savings? 8 million metric tonnes over the next several years.

So, some math:

Average US citizen annual carbon footprint: 19 metric tonnes

Current US population: ~310,000,000

Total US annual carbon footprint: 19 x 310,000,000 = 5,890,000,000 metric tonnes

Chevy savings: 8,000,000 metric tonnes

Percent of US annual carbon footprint: 8,000,000 / 5,890,000,000 = 0.14%

Or as we engineers like to say...Jack squat. Diddly. An insignificant amount. And that's assuming the savings are in one year. It's only 0.07% if it's over two years.

Oh, well. The ad probably works on the same people that buy lottery tickets and Toyota Priuses.

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