15 March 2011

Fighting Sucks

But only because it gets you into trouble.

When the movie Fight Club came out oh so many years ago I was a young(er) single man with more than my share of testosterone. The idea of having an outlet for what I saw as everyday, normal man-rage was very appealing.

Now I'm no longer young, but I've noticed that the rage is still there. It's that fight itch I feel when I read a book where good fights evil, or I read a news story about the bullied putting the smack down on the bully. We live in a civilized time but some of us were just wired for a different time. I can so easily imagine myself in boiled leather and chain mail with a nice two-handed broad sword across my back. And using it.

Instead my battle is the professor in the Prius going 60 in the fast lane and my sword is my 225 horsepower versus his 12 squirrelpower. Short of running the guy off the road (don't think this isn't a temptation), I have no outlet for the frustration that builds from this day after day. Maybe I should take up karate to give me both an outlet and a way of controlling the anger. Either that or start a fight club in my basement.

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